Police Post Consultation Documents Regarding The Storage of Firearms

Police are seeking feedback on their proposed changes to the storage of firearms.

Apparently they have given us a very short period of time to respond so please download the material below, have a read and then let them know your thoughts.

There are no contact details provided here but this email is buried in the news page:

So send your responses HERE.

Consultation – Secure storage requirements for firearm licence holders

Date Published:
November 2017

New Zealand Police is seeking feedback on two versions of a draft document regarding the secure storage requirements for firearm licence holders. Feedback is to be provided by 1 December 2017.

For further information, please visit Firearms’ News and Updates section.



The Kiwi Gun Blog would suggest that every respondent also insist that Police push for a ten year mandatory minimum, non parole sentence for the theft of firearms in New Zealand.

If criminals want in – they will get in.

Unless they are afraid to try.

Here are more details from the News page:


Final document planned for mid December.

This proposed change is of serious concern:

‘A’ category arms are now to be split into types.
This is NOT in accordance with law.
It is a dangerous precedent separating semi auto .22s from other sporting arms.
As has been pointed out – this also has serious ramifications for those renting who can not install safes.


Do not use the email that Police had posted for feedback before.
It was wrong.
The one above is updated.
They give us no time to reply, then almost hide the email needed to respond, then give the wrong one.
Almost as if they are trying to make shooters give up on submissions out of frustration.
Please resend anything that you sent before 11.232.17

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15 responses to “Police Post Consultation Documents Regarding The Storage of Firearms”

  1. The ‘thin end of the wedge’ for A cat semiauto/MSSA/E cat owners. I note it specifically identifies CF/RF semiautos. That means that semiauto shotguns aren’t to be included? I’d be highly suspicious of the ‘smoke and mirrors’ push for such a short ‘consultation’ process. No where in the draft document does it mention these types of previously approved firearms that are already owned by approved LFAO’s. Also that there is no mention of increased penalties for criminal theft/criminal use of illegal firearms in the draft document. There are too many questions/issues not covered. I’d hazard a guess and propose that this is a longterm plan to remove certain classes of approved firearms from LFAO’s, while failing to target/punish criminals for illegal possession of the same firearms.


    1. Shotguns will be included, they are a centre fire firearms


      1. Lockie – reading the section on approved security again, I have found no reference to semiauto shotguns, only centrefire/Rimfire semiauto RIFL ES. However, at some future time, no doubt there will be an amendment to Police Procedures, making the change of firearm identification you’re referring to.


  2. thin end of the wedge. this needs to be stopped before we are disarmed (though the crims wont be)


  3. i have emailed my dissatisfaction on this issue. when emailing add a read receipt just to show they even got it.


  4. Dreadful. The change is just abuse of power; targeting semi .22s but not semi shotguns makes it even more of a nonsense. I feel sorry for all the rank-and-file cops out there


  5. The existing POL67N ‘security policy’ is questionable in law as it is also arguably fettering of discretion and thus not compatible with the Arms Act itself. FIRST any proposal and/or ‘policy’ must be lawful BEFORE considerations of “practical” and “affordable” (or anything else) can even be considered. Portions of Regulation 28 are in all probability partially ultra vires because the Governor General has purported to delegate undelegatable power by making security precautions subject to police approval! Perhaps that would be a place to start BEFORE plunging further into the morass of MORE unlawful behaviour? As noted in the FCAF Minutes of April 2017: “Police noted that it first needs to validate the current process, and then it can go on to look at changes/recommendations.” This in itself seemingly indicates that ALL parties to the production of these documents are KNOWINGLY proceeding on into ultra vires and unlawful actions and may well be culpable at law. SEE: Security submission


  6. surprise surprise: sent a letter yesterday with a read receipt attached. no read receipt received so guess its gone straight in their deleted folder. so much for a democracy


    1. Perhaps they have yet to open it. They are very busy screwing us over.


  7. UPDATE:
    MESSAGE FROM POLICE regarding feedback on draft security documents published on their website.
    Please note the email address for receiving feedback publicised on the website has been corrected. The correct address is secure-storage-firearms@police.govt.nz
    It would be appreciated if you could advise your members accordingly. The first address posted incorrectly had full stops where there should have been hyphens.


  8. unbelievable or a stall tactic?


  9. so, i then sent my my letter (with read receipt) again to the new email. no reply no receipt. maybe i should just get the
    KY gel out already and prepare to get shafted.


  10. Probably won’t open any submissions until 1 Dec – then ignore them. “BECAUSE THERE WAS NO TIME TO READ THEM – so we ignored them all, and will do what we were planning to do anyway. Sorry everyone.” NOT 😡


  11. Make sure that they know plenty of other people have copies


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