You Missed

Well the deadline is today and the government won’t have received even 20% of the guns that the new law demanded be handed in. Despite wasting countless millions of taxpayer’s dollars.

The new gun laws will make us no safer. We know this because of two simple facts. We know that literally 99% of gun crime is perpetrated by people without a gun license. The new gun laws – all of them – ignore these criminals. You cannot solve a problem while ignoring 99% of its cause.

It should be noted that several Members of Parliament are on record as saying that if these amendments to our gun laws had not been rushed through in a matter of panicked days – then they never would have been.

Good law does not need emotion, a lack of opposition and a mass propaganda campaign to pass. As I said in my own submission at the time – only a conman needs to create a false sense of urgency.

This was a disgraceful end run around democracy. After the lie that over thirteen thousand submissions had been carefully considered by parliament in just two days.

But then came the final insult. Even as this government stripped the lawful of their rights and threatened licensed gun owners with draconian penalties for non-compliance – they have also forgiven our worst gun criminals.

Remember that career criminal who stole twenty six guns from our incompetent police? He was just asked to apologize and will be unlucky to serve even a year in prison.

Our worst ever gun theft was perpetrated by a career criminal serving a non-custodial sentence for their LAST gun crime. After a history of gun crime. They have JUST been paroled early. From an already pathetic sentence.

On the day that I made my verbal submission to the committee considering the next tranche of gun laws the Police were on the news. They were warning the public not to approach an offender because he was “Known to carry guns”.

How can a New Zealand criminal that dangerous be ‘known’ for anything other than being in prison? But one offender has nine separate convictions after being found with illegal guns.

Another gangster has nine convictions for threatening Police with a gun. Over fifty criminals have more than one conviction for that offence. So they did it one, received a penalty and felt comfortable in doing it again.

Like the offender who has 46 separate firearm convictions. Actually I should check on him again. He may have passed fifty by now.

Criminals have proven that they will smuggle guns or modify things into guns or steal guns or make guns. But they will always have access to guns. We can’t change that.

The good news is that we can control criminals. Yet we do not. This must change. The theft or use of a firearm in a crime must become unthinkable in New Zealand.

Nine percent of ALL gang members have five or more firearm convictions. Recidivism is the problem. This must be addressed. The use of a firearm in a crime must become an automatic aggravating factor at the time of sentencing.

Shooters getting bigger safes achieves nothing when the government allows gangsters to invade our homes and demand that these are opened at knife point.

Why would they not? The Police only catch 8% of gun thieves. The courts forgive the few that they catch.

The constant refrain from the anti-shooting Members of Parliament these last months has been: “I had no idea that there we so many shooters”. Or “So many guns. Or “Guns of that type”.

Well – You are welcome. You didn’t know because 250,000 licensed gun owners were never a problem. We all know where the problem really was but this government chose to ignore it.

Instead, today this government just manufactured thousands of fresh criminals. Shame on them.




Mike Loder is an Auckland shooter who has spent the last thirty years begging select committees for realistic sentencing of our worst – recidivist – firearm offenders.

He purchased a new rifle to celebrate this Pearl anniversary.






17 responses to “You Missed”

  1. Thanks Mr Loder, you made some good points. Remember this democracy is the “freedom to do as you’re told “salutations for the season,
    I’m off to shoot some more rabbits,when it stops raining. regards toad


  2. it must be obvious to evan idiots that this was doomed failure right from the start due to the way they went about it being based purely on emotions,20% is definatly a fail,so where will they go from here??my guess is like rabid dogs they will try and get nasty,but end up like the rabid dog just chasing their tails,so will be intersting to see how that goes eh!!!there is lttle or no logic in politics today,its all about political agendas to mould the public around to a certain way of thinking and behaving that suits the particular government of the day.
    this curent mob have some pretty weird ideas for sure,i see from your recent post on police statistics regarding licence holders and police convictions for crime,that it makes for intersting reading,what it proves tho is that once again licence holders are vetted far more rigourusly than apparently applicants to join nz police are,and that licence holders are more law abiding than police officers are,neither of which surprises me,as i know too many of both parties to know this is actually true.
    Nash must be having a fit bout now as hes proved once again to be an absolute idiot,so am expecting him like most idiots to start throwing his toys out of his baby cot very shortly.
    any sane person would surely realise that its a total waste of time trying to salvage anything positive out this mess he created,but am not expecting a sane responce from nash as that would require brains,something hes clearly lacking in,so sit back now and watch the fun begin,they have totally lost this one,but thats bout par for the course with this government.


  3. Nash is still going on a about “we dont know how many guns”, well go check the bloody customs records!
    “these are weapons made for killing people” is another load of his BS, well my 100 year old pump action 22 isnt exactly an mssa is it?
    the crap this guy spouts sickens me

    Liked by 2 people

  4. as its now very obvious their plans have failed ,you would think that rather than attempting to threaten every licence holder with being raided,huge fines and jail time,they would step back and look at why it went so wrong for them,but i guess thats too simple and would require at one them to actually have a functioning brain,something i think is a very rare commodity in this lot of certifable idiots,the fact they have out right lied to licence holders and the public right from the outset,obviously dosnt sink in with them,and is very likely part the reason so many havnt complied,hant occurred to them either,why should anyone evan bother to comply??? when its so obvious to licence holders they cant be trusted to keep their word,colfo bleating on about licence holders legal requirements to comply with the law rather than actually doing something positive to support licence holders,sporting shooters group done nothing either both are in their own way supporting government,not their own members,neither has done anything to help resolve issuses in any positive way.
    facts are any busseness that rolled out new program and only got a 20% success rate would shut it down and have another look at it and find out why it failed rather than repeat what very clearly was a failed process to begin with,but what do licence holders get instead,threats of raids,huge fines and long prison terms!!!!!!all to support what clearly is a failed and doomed proccess to begin with,so go figure whos got the brains on this issue,its not nash for sure.
    the whole proccess was an emotionally driven political agenda to begin with,its really all about covering up those who are responsible and protecting them,rather than finding out what really happened and dealing with and holding nz police and security services who are to blame responsible for their incompetence,negligence and disfunctional practices,we will never know the end result of a secret government inquiry,because its sole pupose is to protect the real guilty partys and cover the truth up,to believe otherwise is to totally delude ones self.
    truth is a very rare commodity with this government and nz police,neither party would know what the truth was it hit them in the face,and would denie it anyway rather than ever admit the real truth to the public,this is all about shifting blame from themselves to a group of people who have no legal means of defending themselves,so will they step back and take another good look at what they did wrong to cause so many to not comply??of course not as that would be to not only admit they got it wrong,but would then have to accept the responsblity for doing so,and that will never happen,anyone sitting back and hoping the nats win next election ans will take another look at this,needs reminding the nats whole heartily went along with this proccess quite willingly when it came up in parlament not so long ago,so expect no help from them to resolve the issuses behind this legislation either.


  5. Agreed, well said Mike. Today I woke up in a New Zealand I no longer recognize nor like. Over 100,000 firearms hidden in protest against undemocratic draconian new laws. Though some liberals will disagree, I say we no longer live in a free democratic nation. I say SHAME on all but one of our members of parliament, shame on all of our police who aren’t ashamed when they put on their uniform. I say MY forebears would be ashamed of how we have given up our rights, freedoms, and the democracy they fought two world wars to protect.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Agree never before have I felt less welcome in the Country that I was born in.

      The slow death of our democracy.

      The 40 year slow decline of our economy.

      Mark my words this will all end very badly.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. My hope is that we see a NZ style ‘Brexit’, the majority rejection of the progressive (regressive) Marxist left at the next election.
        However I also do not want to see an excessive shift to the right either.
        I pray that we get some logical, fact based, unemotional promoters and defenders of freedom and family values.
        We are doomed if either Lab or Nat’s get a majority. They have both betrayed the Nation repeatedly.
        New Conservative will be getting my vote.
        Though anything even slightly right of Marx these days is considered extreme right.
        God Defend New Zealand.


  6. I suspect that like here in Australia, the people ‘smelled a rat’, that is that many people didn’t believe the Government’s narrative. Not surprising as Tarrant’s video clearly showed he was working with other people.

    At least three times he stopped what he was doing and rushed off to shoot at people he could not see from where he was. There was the ‘man in red’ that stood in the compound watching the massacre that Tarrant didn’t shoot and there was the car parked outside the mosque that Tarrant pointed his rifle at, apparently recognized the occupant/s and didn’t fire, then that car left the compound while the massacre was still going on – and was later filmed being flagged through a police road block.

    There should be a full OPEN public inquiry about what really happened during and after the massacre. Until then, it appears that the evidence is that this was a psy-op designed to disarm the citizens. As such, who could blame the people for their resistance.

    As a mate of mine said in Oz, “A government that kills its’ own citizens to promote disarmament is not a government you surrender your guns to.”


  7. I wonder if you Kiwis will get a full accounting of what was turned in. I heard a lot of ‘junk’ firearms were sacrificed in Oz, then the money used to purchase a quality firearm.

    Here’s part 3 of an article that I wrote about the results of the Australian buy-back. I expect that something similar occurred in NZ.

    Gun Control, Part 3: The 1996 Gun Buy-Back in Australia


  8. Has there been any confirmation about ‘Jacinda’?


  9. I received an email suggesting that bringing up a video like that could be assumed to be ‘trans-phobic’. I replied that the bloke missed the point.

    It has to do with credibility, with truthfulness. Like the old saying ‘If a man will lie to you once, he will lie to you twice’.

    If the whole narrative around ‘Jacinda’ is false and he/she has done it to pull the wool over the eyes of the NZ people, then would he/she be willing to pull the wool over the eyes of the NZ people about the massacre?


  10. It’s disappointing the Media is so willing to report the misinformation from the likes of Nash, Cahill and Bush. From the vote driven reaction from the hijab wearing Ardern Government to the outright lies from them and Police.

    We all know the majority of the countries firearm problems are with the unlawful possession of firearms by the criminal fraternity. For Nash and Bush to state the country is now safer after the firearm buyback is melodramatic jargon believed by the anti firearm groups, the naive and my Grandmother. Not forgetting the pathetic sentences handed to criminals by our charitable Judges.

    The majority of the 250,000 lawful firearm owners don’t belong to any organisation. Perhaps that large group of voters need reminding that now Police have been given carte blanche to mess with our firearm legislation, they could end up having restrictions placed on their bolt action firearms and perhaps only permitted to store them at Police approved Armouries.

    The anti gun flood gates are open wide and anything is now possible. I know where my vote will go next election, that decision driven by the mistreatment I’ve received as an honest firearm owner.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. “The majority of the 250,000 lawful firearm owners don’t belong to any organisation” – so, that’s all the votes you can possibly muster at the next election? Crikey, you’re wasting your time. The media will demonize you and keep the dumbed-down masses in their pocket.

    Nope, you need to get the message out about the massacre. Until you do that you will just be a marginalized minority that ‘deserves’ to be crapped on.


    1. So I should set up a blog and a lottery to capture them?


      1. Are there any blogs, sites, publications, etc. that are discussing what really happened during the massacre? Is everybody in NZ so terrified that they refuse to discuss it?


  12. Re my previous about the majority of the 250,000 not being involved. We have the likes of COLFO, SSANZ and Fair & Reasonable plus others including this site that are defending what I consider our right to own and use firearms. We are vetted by Police. Our families are scrutinised and questioned by Police. Our firearm security is assessed by Police. Yet to date we have been vilified by both them and this Government, yet criminals continue to flaunt our laws and brandish illegal weapons with impunity.

    We’ve seen what started as a ban targeting semi automatic firearms spread to other forms. Lever action, shotguns, etc and now ammunition. I think the latest was banning drum magazines for pistols. If shooters think this will be the last of the witch hunt. Think again. So the more firearm owners that can help ease the financial burden these organisations are facing, benefits us all. I’m extremely grateful for the work they’ve been doing.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. in the 1960s a certain american president asked the sovet unions premier why dispite the soviet constition giving their citizens the right to own many types of fire arms those citizens were only permited to own double barreled shotguns??the he received was bassically as follows,if we allowed them to own rifles that they would eventually murder us all in our beds for what we have done to them,just thought but maybe thats partually whats behind our current socialist left wing governments attempts to disarm as many of nz citizens as possible as quickly as possible while militizing our police and arming the ploice with what are essentually the same type of military type weapons they dont trust the civilian population to own any longer,food for thought eh!!


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