Auckland War Memorial Museum Hides the Guns

A row has broken out over the dismantling of a long standing display of old weapons at Auckland War Memorial Museum. 

Now only SIX weapons will remain to tell the story of our soldiers.

This despite their goal of “Returning 20% more space to the public for galleries and collection display”. Just no room for guns.

Many of the weapons were donated by New Zealand soldiers or their families in the late 1920s when the museum was nearing completion. They have been told they can not get them back.

But the museum spoil us by letting New Zealander’s still see some of the items on line.

Our anti gun Mayor Phil Goff wont help. The same man who was on the Law and Order committee that recommended reaming us.


Broken Promises

This writer remembers a representative of the museum visiting IMAS several years ago. When this very subject came up they promised that the weapons would not be removed.

But the left can just not help themselves from attempting to control even our very history.

Let them know your thoughts:

The Kiwi Gun Blog certainly has.

Kat Saunders
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7 responses to “Auckland War Memorial Museum Hides the Guns”

  1. This is an example of social Marxism at its worst. What a disgrace.


  2. …. next they will attempt to remove the “War” and “Memorial” from the name of the museum … all the better to rewrite history and hide ‘Inconvenient truths’. The memory of those who served … fought and died – and those who returned – to protect and build this country MUST be swept aside before the minds of the present generations can be seized and enslaved … libertards have infiltrated every public institution it seems.


  3. its a sad fact, just look at todays school books. sanitized beyond belief and supports all sorts of “happy” things.
    history is history. warts and all ! all sides committed torture and atrocities but to say it never happened and sweeping it under the carpet is the wrong approach.
    people died under our flag, as did others under the german and japanese flags, it happened and wrongs were committed on all sides and this should be displayed openly.


  4. Just wait for the new ‘Hall of genders’ exhibit.


  5. It started with the flag . And now this. A wasted 26 million could of been spent on another museum and then we wouldn’t have this issue. ..


  6. “hall of genders exhibit” i laughed until i realised that it probably not far from the truth.


  7. If they are going to censor some of these exhibits,
    If I am ever up their way, then…
    Simple I will censor the idea of “koha” from my wallet.

    What is sauce for the goose, will be sauce for their gandering.. well actually no sauce. 😉


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