Interim Supplementary Analysis Report: Arms (Prohibited Firearms, Magazines, and Parts) Amendment Bill (No.1) 2019 implementation of proposals and a buyback scheme

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Meanwhile cartridge collectors wait to see how many thousands they will lose.

Cowboy shooters ponder the end of their sport with the loss of lever guns and shotguns from the 1800s.

Oh and while the NRA are used as a straw man to instill fear in the public – the Prime Minister invites the people who gave us the terrorist to advise on how to best fail as they have.

herald sun



17 responses to “Interim Supplementary Analysis Report: Arms (Prohibited Firearms, Magazines, and Parts) Amendment Bill (No.1) 2019 implementation of proposals and a buyback scheme”

  1. This is my favorite part

    There is an opportunity and need to move swiftly to tighten controls around certain firearms
    and firearm parts to mitigate the risk of further mass shootings so that these items are not
    generally available to anyone.


    We are fighting an already lost battle. They’re not even letting me apply for my C endorsement so I can at least keep my collection. A big middle finger to our corrupt government. Thanks Jacinda.


  2. I’m curious to know, we have approximately 250000 licensed shooters. Why wasn’t there at least 50000 or 200000 submissions or votes on that petition? Only 15,900 votes and only 10,000 submissions. Where are all the other people? Did they give up? Do they not care? Please..someone tell me why these people did not stand up for our rights?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. many did not know that it was happening. Or were put off by the PM saying dont bother.


      1. After putting in our first sub we got a notification saying that it was closing… It had only been 24 hrs. This had alot to do with it , I had many more I wished to seen in.


      2. Do you not think my first petition idea was on the money and reflect our country’s situation?


    2. Because we had 2 Days to do this. People have jobs,travel etc. To submit correctly you need to full understand the new act, a Lawyer would struggle in a few days. In Wellington they have had 500DAYS to submit on the Basin traffic n 2nd Tunnel!!!
      In the few days after the new law was published the Govt web site ref people to comment on it via a govt web page. Way down the bottom of the page it says, this is not counted as a submission!
      How many people said their piece on it and didn’t realise it was not going to count. Bet we don’t get told those numbers.


    3. I’ve just had a look at a heap of other sub’s, some have been on for weeks and got only 1 -30 responses, may be we have done well for 24hrs , I’m going through the process of a vote of no confidence in our Pm tomorrow, hopefully it will be up for Thursday under Daniel Coughey. You are a kiwi , NEVER GIVE UP ON DEMOCRACY. If you do, what will you say to your kids?


  3. i submitted, friends submitted and we are going to get royally screwed over. decisions were made before the mosque attack even happened. they were just waiting for an excuse.
    at present the huge question is where is a billion dollars coming from with a declining economy, inflation rising and people having to get emergency handouts to stay fed and warm.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Shane Johnson Avatar
      Shane Johnson

      I agree. I said it on the day of the shooting that the gun grabbing leftists would be rubbing their hands together as they would now have massive public support for a goal that in reality has been long established.

      I am guessing that the lack of submissions is due to the fact that its only really the sport shooters and collectors that are loosing out. So people that only use a bolt action rifle for hunting or a few shots a year at a range have largely just shrugged their shoulders with indifference as is wont effect them one bit.

      Its a sad statement to be made that unless the boot is on your neck, so to speak, people just don’t care.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Don’t give up


  4. Number three, Preferential voting in NZ like Aus so that our whole vote counts, this would stop the ability of one person or party creating a hack government such as the one we have now.


  5. No 4 , no confidence in our governor general, this was totally unnecessary and premeditated.


  6. So we realize we’ve all been screwed and they know they’ve screwed us, what a wonderful country we live in, I’d expect something like this from North Korea, not here.


    1. If you look at most of the submissions put forward, they only get 1 to maybe 30 votes over 2+ weeks . 10,000 in 24 he’s for this . in the next 48 hrs I’m hoping to have another submission from Daniel Coughey, please let them know that this is not us.


  7. Many New Zealand upstanding citizens may choose to be victims, however I choose to believe that THAT IS NOT US


  8. Let us fight like they do, I’m going to try and submit a new submission tomorrow please keep an eye out for Thursday. Under Daniel Coughey, it may not totally be you, but let the pm know you don’t support her..


    1. Put a link through this blog so it’s easier to find. Hopefully it won’t be pulled. She needs to know how many people have lost total confidence in her.


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