Positive Progress With the Police Minister

The Kiwi Gun Blog would like to thank Victoria Pichler, Chris Gee and Raymond O’Brien for their efforts in raising shooter’s concerns with the Police Minister & Deputy PM Paula Bennett.

This is the same merry band opening the new super range in Auckland.


At a follow up meeting today, evidence was provided of long-delayed and frustrated permit applications.

Also discussed was Police National Head Quarters lack of resource and process.

The Minister’s comments were:

1. That she has already questioned PNHQ about permit delays and inconsistent implementation of firearms policy and regulation and in fact had in front her, a long e-mail from PNHQ with their replies.

2. PNHQ admit there is unnecessary delay and inconsistent implementation in the firearms area. To that end, there will be 4 training sessions throughout the country in the upcoming months, to attempt to rectify the inconsistencies.

3. In the additional funding for Police recently announced, there will be around 250 non-sworn staff to bolster areas – including firearms. Poor resourcing in this area is recognised. Unfortunately that funding will start only from 1st June 2017.

4. Ms Bennett has been informed from other sources about the lack of consultation at the Firearms Advisory Forum by PNHQ, regarding implementation of new policy.

5. Ms Bennett stated that she “is happy to” open the Auckland Shooting Club.

6. Ms Bennett gave those at the meeting a timeframe of 2 weeks for her office to come back to them.

As Victoria puts it:

In conclusion, it is clear that Ms Bennett is aware of the issues and that she had already followed up with PNHQ after we met her in late-February. It was a meeting that provided us with some optimism.

Thanks again guys.

Time will tell – but that sounds positive.

A great example of the potential benefits to a sit down with your local Member of Parliament.



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